Sunday, May 29, 2016

5 reasons why winter is better than summer

I know a lot of you will fight me on this one, but I stand behind a statement that winter is better than summer. Since summer is starting, and because it's already so hot here, in Slovenia, I just have to go on a rant about it and how much I miss the coldness, snow and dark.

So buckle up and enjoy the ride, my fellow readers!

Clothes. I love layers. I love a good old t-shirt with a cardigan and a warm cosy jacket on top. I love black jeans and warm fluffy socks. But when it's hot like hell outside, you can't really put on layers like you are able to do in the winter. It just seems like summer clothes aren't as cosy as the winter ones. Then again maybe it's not the clothes. Maybe it's the burning heat that makes you sweat like a pig. Which bring me to another point.

Sweating. What's up with that? I could stand in the shower all day long during summer. But still as soon as I stepped up, I'd be covered with sweat. Because it's so bloody hot during summer and you can't cool yourself down for more than an hour (or even less). I hate not being able to do anything about it. At least in the winter when you are cold, you can put on another sweater or tights under your pants. What are you going to do in summer? Rip you skin away from your body?

Productivity. You know how some people say: "You can be more productive during summer and you have more energy because the day is longer." This is absolute crap. The only time during summer that is bearable to do something is early in the morning or late in the evening. Otherwise you are putting yourself in danger because of how hot is it outside. Want to go for a walk during a day? Oh no, you can't because you might get sunstroke. So, good luck to you folks, who are planning to be productive during summer.

Dog. Do you know how much fun my dog has during summer? About 20%. His happiness comes from swimming in the sea, but otherwise it's absolute nightmare for him. He is constantly hot, with his tongue out and wants to be pet, but at the same time doesn't. Besides it's hard to take him for a walk in the heat, so I can only take him for a longer walk in the evening, because neither him or I are a big far of getting up in the morning.
The only place I like during summer

Sleeping. I have trouble sleeping anyway, but in the summer is so much worse because I can't get comfortable no matter what. If I sleep with a blanket I get to hot, but if I don't sleep with a blanket monsters can get me. Can you feel my struggle?

Now, that I got my frustrations out I can admit that there are also things to like forward to, for example going to the seaside, playing beach volleyball, sleeping under the stars, bonfires, pool parties, and most of all freedom because there's no school. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

If I were rich...

I think all of us had thought about having lots of money at one point. It doesn't matter whether is it while you are buying a lottery ticket or starting a new business or while you are shopping, we have all thought about it. 

The truth is we live in a very materialistic world and it's hard to escape that, but I believe that wishing you were richer doesn't mean you aren't generous or kind or hardworking. It's just that having lots of money could sometimes save you a lot of trouble. 

Now,  this post isn't supposed to be deep or a critic of a modern world. This post is a list of my ideas on how I'd spend money if I, for example, won a lottery. (And if I ever do win a lottery, I'll come back to this post and check every single idea off the list.)

  1.  I would hire a personal driver to drive me around at night. You see, I mentioned before that I have trouble sleeping from time to time (about three night a week). However, when I am driving somewhere these problems do not exist for me. The roaring of an engine and landscape passing by, calm me down and I can fall asleep in a matter of seconds. 
  2. I would take my friends on a trip for their birthday. I would probably take them somewhere for a weekend (like Paris or Amsterdam or New York) and make sure they have the best time, experience as much as possible and eat the most delicious food a country has to offer. 
  3. I would go snowboarding. It's not that I don't snowboard now, but I just don't snowboard enough. If I were rich, I would be on slopes ever weekend, having the time of my life.
  4. I would buy a house. That's probably a must do when you come into some money. I buy a big house, for all of my family to live in, with a big yard and a pool. Then in the house, I'd have a home cinema and a game room where all the electronics would be (like a proper geek paradise) and also a fitness room and so much more.
  5. I would make someone's dream come true. I think if I knew someone that was just really unlucky in their life I would make sure to give them all their ever wanted and even more. 
  6. I would found a charity organisation.  This charity organisation would built schools and neighbourhoods in places where people need it.
  7. I would open a foster home. I think if I had money and an ability to give kids what they deserve and need, I would take in as many kids as I could. It's just one of those things I always wanted to do and I guess, if you have money why not do it. 
  8. I wouldn't stress out about school and work. I always said that no matter what (a.k.a. winning the lottery) I would finish school and go to work, but I think a huge burden would be lifted off my shoulders if I knew my future and financial stability doesn't depend on it. 
  9. I would take fans to conventions. If there was a show/movie I was obsessed with I would take people from the fanbase who couldn't afford going to the conventions. I think it would be such an amazing thing to do and also I'd get to spend time and get to know people from the internet with the same obsession.
That's about it. Of course there's a lot of things I'd buy as well, for example camera, new laptop... However, I didn't include those things in the list because there are always new products on the market and I am a sucker for new gadgets. 

What would you do if you suddenly got into a lot of money?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

On the road

I've been gone for quite some time and I think it's time to catch up. Don't you agree?

I'm sure I've mentioned before how much I love to travel. My deepest passion is going to new places, exploring new things and staring in awe at what I discovered. So it's no surprise that I take every opportunity to go somewhere. 

Three weeks ago my aunt asked me if I wanted to go to the Netherlands with her, and of course I agreed. It was a quick decision and on Friday morning I was already flying towards the Netherlands. 

I've been to the Netherlands before, if you recall I wrote about an incident on the airport, but I haven't talked much about where I've been. 

The last time I was there I was on an exchange program in Leiden and I absolutely fell in love with it. 

Morning flight over the Alps

This time my aunt and I went to Hague, but also made a trip to Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Keukenhof. The last one is also know as the Garden of Europe and it absolutely beautiful, but also overcrowded. 

Tree with peace wishes on it stands in front of Peace Palace, in Hague

I'm sure it's needless to say I had a blast, and of course I took a bunch of photos, but right now I'm to lazy to upload and edit them. I'm sorry. 

When I came back, I had a week of holidays left which I basically spent going out with friends and having sleepovers.

Then last Saturday I went to Mirabilandia, which is an amusement park in Italy and to San Marino. I'm sure the trip would've been more than just okay, but I was starting to get sick, so the whole two days there were kind of miserable. 

I have to admit, the first day was okay. We spend the whole day in Mirabilandia and we went on all the rides and I laughed and screamed and it wasn't as bad considering the state I was in. In the evening I had to take some pill because my headache was killing me, but that was it.

The second day, however, was absolute and complete disaster. My head was killing me, and I swear I had a fever, so I only half enjoyed the trip to San Marino. Then we went back to Mirabilandia and I had to get medical help because at that point I thought I was going to pass out. 

They were really nice and took care of me, so that the rest of the day was bearable. 

But we still had about 6 hours drive back home and I honestly thought I'm not going to make it back home...

So it's understandable that this week I've been home, lying in bed and drinking as much tea as I could consume. 

That's about all I've been up to in the last three weeks.

What about you guys? What happened to you in the last three weeks?