Sunday, March 27, 2016

Uncomfortable dreams

Some of you may recall that I talked about my sleeping problems before in a blog post called Sleeping tips.

My sleeping patterns got better when I switched from coffee to black tea, started exercising regularly and eating healthier. However, lately it's been a real struggle. Since my dog got hurt I've been sleeping with one eye open, making sure he doesn't hurt himself while I am asleep.

As if that isn't enough to mess with my sleep, I am getting nightmares again.

I think a general belief is that nightmares are supposed to be scary. It's supposed to be about someone chasing you or someone trying to hurt you. It's supposed to be absolutely terrifying.

My nightmares are tiny bit different.

My nightmares are about being put into an awkward social situation from which I cannot escape. It can be about an encounter with someone I don't like or it can be a never ending exam which I know I am going to fail because there is no end to it and I am running out of time.

The worst part about these nightmare is that I can't wake up from them. I have to get through a situation and then relive it again and again and again. It's like it's stuck on reply in my brain. 

To be honest, at some point I'd rather put up with nightmares about serial killer that this psychological crap. 

Because I don't sleep well I am more stressed out which results in headaches and feeling sick all the time. Great, isn't it?

Do some of you get nightmares like this as well?

Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekend at the vet's

Sometimes things happen in  life. Unpleasant, sad, hurtful things. As a functioning person you learn to cope with this things. You learn to think rationally. However, when you care about something or someone, you often don't think straight. I find it harder to deal with other's people pain than my own, but what gets to me most is when my dog is hurt.

My dog, who goes by the name Sky, has always been my number one priority in life. I think of him as my child or my younger brother and I would do anything for this little ball of fur. Because I feel like it is my duty to protect him, to make sure nothing happens to him, it shakes me up so much more when something goes wrong. Besides I found it absolutely devastating that I can't explain to him what's happening or why he is in pain.

I think I've already used this photo once before

About month ago he almost gave me a heart attack when somehow he got a blade of grass stuck in his paw. Apparently it's pretty common with dogs, but I could stand to see him struggle. It was like someone reached into my chest and ripped my heart out. Luckily, he had it surgically removed and everything was fine.

However, on Saturday my dad took him out for a walk. The arrangement in our household is that he takes him out in the morning before work, because he is more of a morning person and in the evening, because I was 10 years old when we got him and was scared of going out to the park in the evening, where I've been approached by strangers more times than I'd like to admit. On Saturday, my dad and I decided to trade - he would take him out in the afternoon, when I usually take Sky out and I would take him out in the evening.

They were out for about half an hour when my phone started ringing. It was my dad. When I picked it up I didn't think much of it, but as soon as I heard my dad's heavy breathing I knew something was wrong. My dog got attacked.

When the words came out of my dad's mouth it was a moment of pure horror. Firstly, because my dad who is calm as a person can be most of the time, was freaking out and secondly, because we didn't have a car, meaning we couldn't take dog to the vet.

Luckily, my aunt wasn't working and agreed to pick us up as soon as possible (in 10 minutes) while I was searching for a vet that could take pictures of our dog with x-ray. You see, on Saturdays there's usually only one vet woking for emergencies and she couldn't use x-ray because of health reasons.

Now, what do you do when your dog's paw looks broken and you have no one who can take care of it?

You call every single person who can help you locate another vet that was willing to take him in. We found one and as soon as he saw the dog he gave him some painkillers and sedatives. When the pictures of x-rays were done, I was shocked. My dog had two bones broken and an infection.

We had to leave him there for two hours so they could set his broken bones, but they told us there is a possibility it wouldn't work. Because it was such a bad break it is possible that the bone won't stay in place and if that happens they will have to put the screws in his bone.

So we are not out of the woods yet.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Winter wonderland

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but I love snowboarding. Winter is my favourite season - yes, I know most of you summer lovers want to stab me right now - and snowboarding is my favourite winter activity.

There's something so breathtaking about mountains and snow and the feeling of freedom when you are on the ski slopes. 

We went skiing/snowboarding in school last Friday and I enjoyed it so much. We had the perfect day even though the snow wasn't as good as I hoped it would be and my knees started to hurt at the end because of it, but overall it was my idea of heaven. 

I was in good company, doing the thing I love and that's always great, isn't it?

I think when you go skiing the most important thing is to go with people you like, because raiding a chairlift can be boring at times, so you need someone to gossip with.

I had the pleasure of hanging out with people that I usually don't hang out with and I can honestly say that there's something about freezing together on a chairlift that really forms a bond and makes you talk about personal issues or things you aren't as confident saying otherwise.

And that why I consider skiing the most quality time you can spend with your friends.

What's your favourite winter activity? Or are you more of a summer person?