Sunday, November 29, 2015

DIY advent calendar

About a month ago my friend and I made a deal that instead of buying an advent calendar, which I haven't had in years by the way, we will made each other one.

Of course as a famous procrastinator I am, I waited until the very last minute to made one. 

I must admit I forgot how much I love being creative and I am glad we made the deal because it forced me to search my brain for ideas, made a plan and then stick to it. 

So here is what you'll need:
  • cardboard
  • paint 
  • colourful paper (preferably red, because it's christmas time)
  • some stickers

What you'll need

First thing I did, was cover the cardboard with white colour. Simply because the cardboard had a logo on it and I had to cover it up, but also because I felt like white would make everything look more christmasy.

As I waited for the paint to dry, I started making little envelopes. I used this method >>here<<. For making envelopes I used a square (10x10cm) which I cut out from the red paper. 

Then I filled each little envelope with quote or a memory I have with the person I was making it for or I wrote down things I like about that person. Once the little envelop was closed, I put a sticker with a number on it.

Little envelope n. 1

Meanwhile the paint on the cardboard had dried up, so I turned the cardboard around and repeated the process on the other side as well. Then I waited for it to dry again while I continued to make the little envelopes. 

When all the envelopes were done, I stick them to a cardboard with a Sellotape. I basically made a little roll out of Sellotape and paste it on the back of the envelope so the Sellotape isn't visible. 

The final product

This is how the final product looks like. I can't wait to give it to my friend. 

I hope to make some more DIY posts in the future because I really enjoyed making this.

Have you ever made an advent calendar yourself? How did it turn out? 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

They call me what?!

I've been trying to come up with the idea what to write for today's post and my mind went blank. I've been posting a lot about my experiences and things I'm doing, but I realised that I haven't shared much about me.

Whenever I'm looking for inspiration for a blog post, I tend to look around my room and my eyes landed on one particular picture.

I'm not going to talk about quote or what it might mean to me. No, I'm here to discuss why the bloody hell is there wheat drawn on each side of the quote.

It's a funny story, sort of an inner joke between my friends and I, and I am letting you in on it!

Basically I tend to get a bit carried away during sports activities. There are two reasons for this:
  • I am extremely competitive
  • Somehow sports activities boost my energy levels and get me into a really good mood (honestly, a cup of coffee doesn't wake me up as much as a good exercise does)

It was one of those days when we have sports activities in school first thing in the morning. We were playing volleyball and the team I was on, was losing.

Trying to be funny I started acting like a coach, cheering our team up and giving these ridiculous motivational quotes. At some point I said something like: "Come on, girls! They are crushing us. They are crushing us like flour. And we are not flour! We are wheat!"

It seemed like such a good motto at the time and for each point we got I would scream: "Wheat!"

I don't recall who won that game, but that thing about wheat stuck around and became an inner joke among my group of friends.

Do you have any weird nicknames? How did you get them?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

My autumn break

This week I had my autumn break and I went to Copenhagen and Berlin. I haven't had time to come up with the blog post idea so I decided to share my experience with you.

I absolutely loved the trip, I love travelling in general, so I put together a few photos for you to see what I've been up to.

Denmark, Copenhagen

Germany, Potsdam

Germany, Berlin

I think Denmark might be my favourite country I've been to along with the Netherlands and England.

What's you favourite trip you've been to?