Monday, December 14, 2020

Čokoladno-jagodna torta / Chocolate-strawberry cake

For the recipe in English scroll down

Kot prvo, tole ni najbolj 'simpl' torta. Ampak namen mojega bloga in Instagram računa je ravno to, da delam stvari za katere prej nisem imela poguma. Vedno sem si rekla, da bom najden recept enkrat naredila, potem pa je preprosto ostal shranjen in nikoli ni bil izveden. 

Pred kratkim sem dobila pekač s premerom 18cm, ki ga preprosto obožujem in ga po novem uporabljam za skoraj vsako torto. Na internetu obstaja super orodje, ki se imenuje torta pretvornik in ti izračuna sestavine za želeni premer pekača ( 

No tole je preveden recept s povezavami do videov. 

Sestavine za biskvit:

³  202g jajc (to je cca 4 jajca)

³   144g sladkorja

³  14 g medu

³  Vaniljev ekstrakt 

³  115g gladke moke

³  14g kakava

³  36g masla

³  58g mleka

Biskvit sem pripravila po sledečem postopku:

Naredimo parno kopel, kjer zmešamo jajca in sladkor. Mešanica se mora segreti toliko, da se sladkor raztopi. Dodamo še med in vaniljev ekstrakt (približno eno čajno žličko). Vse skupaj z električnim mešalnikom miksamo toliko časa, da se masa podvoji ali celo potroji. Izgledati mora podobno kot sneg iz beljakov, samo malo manj čvrsto.

V napihnjeno maso presejemo gladko moko in kakav ter vse skupaj počasi vmešamo s kuhalnico. Masa bo rahlo izgubila na volumnu zaradi moke, ampak to je normalno.

V posebni posodici segrejemo maslo in mleko. V posodico vmešamo nekaj mase, da maslo in mleko rahlo ohladimo, nato pa vse skupaj, torej maslo in mleko, dodamo k masi z moko.

Zlijemo v pekač, ki je obložen s peki papirjem in nekajkrat udarimo ob pult s pekačem, da se znebimo velikih mehurčkov, ki so nastali v biskvitu. Pečemo na 170 stopinjah približno 40 minut.

Sestavine za kremo (

³  250ml sladke smetane

³  45g čokolade

³  Jagode

Sladko smetano in čokolado segrejemo, tako da se čokolade lepo raztopi. Damo ohladiti v hladilnik ali na balkon za uro in pol. Mešanica mora postati gosta. Ko se zgosti, jo zmiksamo, da dobimo čokoladno sladko smetano.

Biskvit razrežemo na pol. Prvo polovico namažemo s kremo in posujemo gor nasekljane jagode. Dodamo še malo kreme, da jagode prekrijemo. Položimo gor drugo polovico biskvita. Počakamo, da se tako sestavljena torta malo ohladi, da postane krema notri bolj trdna in nato še celo torto premažemo s kremo.


Chocolate-strawberry cake

Firstly, I’ll admit this might not be the easiest cake to make, however I’m trying to challenge myself every day (that's why I started my Instagram account). If you ask anyone that knows me well, they’ll tell you I watch cooking shows and recipes all the time. I’ve always saved them, but never actually took the time to make them. And I’ve decided that should change. 

For this cake I used a round mould in size 18cm which I got recently and absolutely adore. 

Ingredients for the sponge:

³  202g eggs

³  144g sugar

³  14g honey

³  Vanilla extract

³  115g cake flour

³  14g cocoa

³  36g butter

³  58g milk

For the sponge I used a following technique:

Because the video has English subtitles I decided not to write it down as I did with the Slovenian version of this post. I think the video deserves the views, but if you’d like me to write down the recipes in the future, please let me know. 

Ingredients for the cream:

³  250ml of cream

³  45g chocolate

³  Strawberries

Melt the chocolate in the cream then put it the fridge or on the balcony (if you live in a colder country) for an hour and a half. The mixture should thicken a bit. When that happens, you can proceed to whipping the cream. And voilà, you made a chocolate whipped cream. I was following this video: .

All that’s left for us to do is assemble the cake. Cut the sponge in half. Put chocolate cream on the first part and cover it with lots of cut up strawberries. Put a second part of a sponge on top and let it rest for a bit in a cold place, so that a cream has a chance to firm up. Than put your leftover cream from before all over the cake. Decorate as you wish!

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