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Teli cmočki so bili zelo dolgo na mojem kuharske seznamu,
ampak nikoli niso ugledali luči dneva. Če sem čisto iskrena, smo jih z družino
vedno naročali v Kitajski restavraciji in se kregali, kdo dobi zadnjega. Zdelo
se mi je, da se ne bom mogla niti približati okusu, ki ga dobiš v restavraciji
in da je potemtakem ta recept že vnaprej obsojen na propad.
O, kako sem se motila!
Ne samo, da priprava ni bila tako zakomplicirana kot se mi
je zdelo na začetku, ampak so cmočki celotno stanovanje napolnili z omamnim
vonjem. Še zdaj, ko pišem o tem, se mi cedijo sline.
Za testo:
³ 300g univerzalne moke
³ 220ml vrele vode
Postopek za pripravo testa se je meni, ki nisem ravno ekspert,
zdel enostaven. Moko in vodo sem preprosto zmešala v kuhinjskem robotu. Ko se
je testo dovolj ohladilo (zaradi vrele vode je na začetku zelo zelo vroče) sem
testo dokončno zgnetla še na roke, da dobiš res gladko maso. Nato pa je testo
počivalo kakšno uro – priznam, da ne vem koliko točno, ker smo vmes gledali
božični film. Važno je, da je testo ves čas pokrito, da ne izgubi vlage.
Za nadev:
³ 400g mletega mesa
³ Čebula
³ Sezamovo olje
³ Soda bikarbona
³ Sladkor
³ Temna in svetla sojina omaka
³ Poper
Čebulo sem nasekljala na majhne koščke, ampak res na majhne,
ker sem se bala, da bi se preveč čutila v nadevu. Nato pa sem vse sestavine
samo združila v večji posodi in dobro premešala. Rekla bi, da sem vsake
sestavine (sojina omaka, sezamovo olje, soda bikarbona, sladkor, poper) dodala
približno žlico, tako da je pokrila vso meso, hkrati pa ni nobena stvar
prevladala nad drugo.
Nato pa pride na vrsto razdelitev testa in valjanje. Meni je
metoda prikazana v videu povsem uspela, tako da res priporočam, da si za
postopek oblikovanja testa pogledate video (med 2:39 in 4:00).
Nato pa nam ostane samo še peka oz. kuhanje. Na ponvi
segrejemo žlico olja, tako da se nam cmočki ne bodo prijemali. Cmočke zložimo v
ponev in pečemo približno 2 minuti. Svetujem, da enega dvignete med pečenjem in
pogledate, če se je naredila zlata skorjica. Ko zagledate skorjico, je čas, da
cmočke zalijete s 100ml vode in pokrijete ponev. Ko voda izpari, so cmočki
Dober tek!
Potsticker dumplings
were on my cooking list for so long, but they never saw the light of day. If I’m
being honest, my family and I always fought over the last dumpling in a Chinese
restaurant. How could I make anything that would taste as good as those
dumplings in a restaurant? I assumed that making them at home was destined to
O, how
wrong I was!
preparation isn’t as hard as I assumed from the beginning. And after I was done
making them the whole apartment was filled with this rich, amazing smell. Even
now, just writing about this, is making me salivate.
I decided
to follow a recipe posted on Jamie Oliver’s Youtube account where the Dumpling
Sisters demonstrate the preparation. However, the best thing about dumplings is
that you can tailor the filling to your wishes. That’s exactly what I did.
For the dough:
³ 300g all-purpose flour
³ 220ml boiling water
I am no
expert at making a dough, and even I thought it was fairly easy to make. I put
the flour and boiling water into my Kitchen Aid. When the dough has cold down
enough, I proceeded to knead it with my hands. When my dough became smooth, I
covered it with plastic foil and let it rest while watching a Christmas movie.
The key here is to not lose the moisture in the dough!
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³ 400g minced meat
³ Medium large onion
³ Sesame oil (tablespoon)
³ Baking soda (tablespoon)
³ Sugar (tablespoon)
³ Dark and light soy sauce (tablespoon each)
³ Pepper (tablespoon)
I finely
chopped the onion, really finely, because I was afraid it would be overpowering
in the filling. In the bigger bowl I mixed all the ingredients together, and
that was it for the filling.
Next you
need to roll out the dough and fill the dumplings. I followed the instructions
in the video (watch from 2:39 to 4:00) and it work wonderfully. I recommend
that you follow them along!
All that’s
left is cooking our homemade dumplings. Add a tablespoon of oil to a pan. Add
the dumplings in the pain and wait until the golden crust forms on the. You
should pick one up, to check for the crust on the bottom. When you see the
crust has forms add 100ml of water to your pan and cover it with lid. Once the
water has evaporated, your dumplings are done.
Bon Appétit!