Whenever I'm looking for inspiration for a blog post, I tend to look around my room and my eyes landed on one particular picture.
I'm not going to talk about quote or what it might mean to me. No, I'm here to discuss why the bloody hell is there wheat drawn on each side of the quote.
It's a funny story, sort of an inner joke between my friends and I, and I am letting you in on it!
Basically I tend to get a bit carried away during sports activities. There are two reasons for this:
- I am extremely competitive
- Somehow sports activities boost my energy levels and get me into a really good mood (honestly, a cup of coffee doesn't wake me up as much as a good exercise does)
It was one of those days when we have sports activities in school first thing in the morning. We were playing volleyball and the team I was on, was losing.
Trying to be funny I started acting like a coach, cheering our team up and giving these ridiculous motivational quotes. At some point I said something like: "Come on, girls! They are crushing us. They are crushing us like flour. And we are not flour! We are wheat!"
It seemed like such a good motto at the time and for each point we got I would scream: "Wheat!"
I don't recall who won that game, but that thing about wheat stuck around and became an inner joke among my group of friends.
Do you have any weird nicknames? How did you get them?
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