Sunday, August 28, 2016

My next destination - Montenegro

I've already picked up my school books and my anxiety is letting me know that new school year is just around the corner. 

But not just yet. 

Can I get a drum roll, please? 

I am going to Montenegro! It's going to be that one last touch of summer before going back to classroom.

This trip has been planned for quite some time now, even though I haven't written  about it yet. The fact is, I don't like writing about stuff before it happens, because I don't want to jinx it. So let me explain more about this trip and what it's all about.

I don't know how things are in other countries, but in my country, you go on a trip with you whole class, during summer holidays before starting you last year of high school. I guess it's some kind of farewell, but it's also a lot of fun. 

This trips are specifically created for students and are full of night-time activities, but also sightseeing. The usual destination, or should I say, the destination that's most know for these trips, is Greece, but we didn't want to do that. To be honest, we went back and forth between Portugal and Spain, before settling for Montenegro.

I hope we made the right decision.

Well, I better start packing and I'll se you guys next week (if I make it back in one piece). 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Things you do on holidays with friends

I watch way too many vlogs of youtubers, the ones in which they go on holiday or travel around, and not so long ago I watch Oli White's one. He went to Croatia and it looked like he really enjoyed himself. One thing he did with his younger brother James was parasailing. For those of you who have no idea what parasailing is, here's the definition from the internet: "Prasailing also known as parascending or parakiting, is a recreational kiting activity where a person is towed behind a vehicle (usually a boat) while attached to a specially designed canopy wing that reminds one of a parachute, known as a parasail wing." Now, that looked absolutely and utterly crazy/amazing.

It also looked like something my friends and I would totally do.

Luckily, my friends and I were planning to go to Croatia as well. About a week after Oli's vlog went up, I was already in the car with my friends on the way to the sunny coastline of Croatia.

Look at how beautiful this is

While we were sunbathing on the beach the second day of our stay, I pitched the idea to my friends. Out of six, five of us agreed that we would like to go parasailing. We knew they did parasailing because we saw a few people doing it, so we were on a mission to find a place which offered parasailing.

On the third day we found the place, but because it was quite pricey only three of us decided to actually do it. We had to make a reservation for the next day, and we were all jumping in excitement when everything was sorted out. All we had to do next was wait for the next morning.

Found the place! :)
The next day the excitement started to grow as we got closer to the meeting point. When we waited for them to pick us up, I was a bit nervous, but in a good kind a way - when you get really hyper and happy and you feel your stomach twisting and you can't help but smile. 

I'm a bubble of excitement and happiness
Two guys came to pick us up in a motorboat, help us get our lifejackets on then drove us away from the coastline. Because there was three of us we decided that one would go by herself while my friends and I would go together (in tandem). The girl that went by herself was the first to go up while we waited in the motorboat, taking pictures and still jumping up and down with excitement waiting for our turn.

Soon the girl came down, and it was our turn. They buckled us on the parachute and told us to sit down. As soon as we sat down the wind started to lift us up. Before we knew it we were up in the air, looking down at the water and the boat. The view was amazing! I don't know how high we were, but apparently you can go as high as 152 meters (500 feet).

Look at us!
That's on thing I can cross off my bucket list (although it wasn't even on my bucket list)!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Each job brings new experiences

A while ago I wrote about the new job I got and how I didn't feel comfortable working there. However, there are always a few things you can learn from a job that will help you in life. So, I decided to share this experience with you, now that I no longer work there.

Basically my job involved selling a particular products which name I won't mention because I don't want this post to be about a company, but rather my experience. Now, those products were extremely pricey, and when I say pricey, I mean like over a thousand euros. So, of course we had trouble selling them, but where's will there's a way. We basically had to learn a script (it wasn't actually a script, more like a worksheet with information on it) and then stick to it to sell a product. The script involved some phrases that no sane person would ever use, but it was supposed to help us sell these products.

Before I get carried away and start ranting about it, why don't we start with things I learned.

First that comes to mind is don't let people use your insecurities against you!

When we had a client we had to ask them what they wanted to change about themselves and when they told us, we had to agree and make them even more insecure about the whole thing. Later, this would help us convince them that what we are selling is the right choice for them to help them minimise the visibility of their insecurity.

Second thing that I learn is when someone is selling you something they don't actually care about what's going on in your life.

We had to start the whole thing by breaking the ice which meant making small talk with a client. Naturally, I got attached to every client's story and didn't want to force a product on them because I knew they had more important things to spend their money on. However, my boss didn't care. I guess, she's been in the business for a long time and it made her see the profit in people, not actually people. She would put on this face, like she feels sorry for them, like she pitied them while pushing them to their limits, so eventually they decided to purchase the products.

Third valuable lesson was that whenever someone isn't using words like costs, price etc. they are definitely trying to sell you something.

We had policy which forbade us from using any of those words. We had to use the word investment instead. So, for example, we would say: "The investment into solution of your problem is 1000€." It made my heart sink every time I had to tell the price. The look on people's faces was so full of honest shock that it made me want to quit on the spot. But I didn't because I knew that eventually they would fire me for not selling a thing, so in the meantime, I worked there to at least earn something during the holidays.

Fourth thing is: quit the job if it's not working for you!

I know, this was only a summer job, and I've been playing with the idea of quitting for a while, but it still made me nervous that I had to talk to my boss and tell them that it's not working out for me. However, she was nice and understanding. You see, I kept waiting for them to fire me because that's how ti worked. If you didn't sell you didn't work, but somehow they wouldn't fire me. When I finally quit my boss said that it was really nice having me around, and that it was really nice to meet me and if I'd like to maybe work with them in the future (not selling anything, but at an event they are organising). To sum up, having the brain and the courage to walk away before things got complicated was the best decision I've made. Firstly, because I could walk out on my own terms, feeling like it was me who ended thing and secondly, because it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. On my way home I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot and even called a friends to share my joy with them.

Have you ever quit a job? If so, what was it and why?

See you next week, love!