Sunday, October 25, 2015

Back at it

Two years ago, I decided to take up boxing. I needed to take up sport activity and a friend wanted me to check out boxing with her so I decided to give it a shot, even though I was sure boxing was not my thing at all.

How wrong I was.

I've fallen in love with boxing. I don't know what it is that makes me so enthusiastic about it, but I never want to pick up another sport again. My parent had complained that it's not lady like, but they got used to it and began to enjoy the surprised faces when they tell their friends that their little girl is training boxing. 

During last year, however, it got a bit too much. Balancing boxing and school seemed impossible at a certain point so I decided to quit it.

Sorry for the quality of the picture, it's a bit old tbh  

Every now and then I would look at my pink boxing gloves which were lying around my room, feeling nostalgic and wanting to run back to the gym, but I knew school would suffer.

This year I decided to make it work! I started with trainings in September and I've never felt better. I love getting rid of negative energy when we work on a punching bag. It also helps that I switched boxing club. The training are not as intense as before, the atmosphere is more relaxed and I freaking love it, okay?

If you've never tried boxing before I suggest you definitely look up if there is a boxing club in your area and check it out. Most places offer first training for free so you can decided whether you like it or not before signing up.

What do you do to release tension that build up during the week? 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Choosing career path

I'm at that point in life when people expect me to know where I am headed and where my future is. The reality is quiet different.

I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life and the idea of making that decision terrifies me. My main goal is to do something I enjoy doing, but I feel like I haven't been introduced to all the opportunities and frankly I don't know what I enjoy doing enough so I wouldn't get bored of it in the future.

This weekend I gave one of my potential choices a go and I applied to a programming course Django Girls.

In second year of high school I absolutely loved working on HTML and programming robots, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to do something like that or if I just liked the idea of it.

On a Saturday morning I woke up quite early, had some breakfast and headed over to college that was organising the course. It's understanding I was nervous. New environment and new people, it's not my cup of tea. However, everyone was extremely lovely and after the introduction we were put into small groups of three plus the mentor. It was girls only course, if you haven't figured that out by the name of it, and I was put into a group with two girls who were both older than me. They were both incredible lovely and our mentor was brilliant. My biggest fear was that I wouldn't understand what we were doing, but he explained it so simple even a child would understand it.

If only all my professors were like that...

By the end of the day I was exhausted. We were there since 9am to 6pm, and we had recieved so much information my head was about to explode.

However, I enjoyed the whole experience.

I'm not sure if this means I am one step closer to choosing my career path or if it means my life got more complicated because this is another thing I am interested in.

Anyway, no matter what I decide to do in the future, this was a wonderful experience and now I got knowledge no one can take away from me, which is always nice.

Hopefully I soon decide where I want my future to go.

Until then I still have this blog.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Review: Girl Online

On my birthday I got book Girl Online written by lovely Zoella a.k.a. Zoe Sugg. Among other gifts, which you can read all about here, this was the one I've been dying to get my hands onto. Ever since Zoe announced her book is coming out I wanted to get it, but there's so many books on my MUST BUY list I never got around to do it.

To be completely honest with you guys, I wasn't even sure I wanted to spend my money on it because recently every youtuber has been publishing their own book and I've had a feeling that a lot of them felt pressured to do it because it was a way to make some extra money and because their viewers (me included) will buy everything they put out.

Luckily I was pleasantly surprised. I've fallen in love with Girl Online as soon as I read a few pages. It's a good teen romance, easy to read and it seems so realistic. It shows the influence of social media and how easily things can go viral and mess up someone's life completely. The book has a good representation of how it feels to be a teenage girl who is intimidated by world, doesn't feel like she fits in and above all doesn't understand what is happening to her.

However, our main character Penny, isn't afraid to express herself on her blog, putting her feelings out for the world to see and share her honest opinion. In her words she is keeping it real on the blog and unreal in her life. Her blog is like a safe place to her and I believe a lot of us (people who like to write blog like she does) feels the same way.

When things get overwhelming in school, her parents offer her a little getaway to New York. There she meets a boy that goes by the name Noah. He's different that what she knows, slightly older, very handsome and surprisingly good at asking random questions. They get involved, but Noah is keeping something a secret from her and when she returns to UK, things fall apart.

But you have to read the book to find out what happens.

Girl Online is a perfect book for a lazy, rainy day when you want to escape from reality. With a cup of tea by your side and wrapped in warm, cozy blanket you have a perfect setting for a day of relaxation.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Late birthday surprise!

My family has been building up tension ever since I first found out my aunt was taking my somewhere for my birthday and she didn't want to tell me where. I was supposed to go with her to that mysterious place a week before my birthday, but she had to travel on business that week, so she told me she would take me on the third of October.

The whole week my parents were saying things like:
"Have you packed your suitcase?"
"We already told your teacher you wouldn't be in school next week."

I was absolutely thrilled and freaked out. I love traveling and I grab the opportunity to go somewhere as soon as someone mentions it. So it's understandable I was excited.

When I came to my aunt's place at nine o'clock in the morning, she opened the door and greeted me with: "Where is your suitcase?"

At that point I wasn't sure if they were joking around or not. Needless to say my anxiety started to kick in because I couldn't prepare myself mentally for what I was about to experience. It was nerve-wracking.

We were getting closer and closer to the airport when my aunt told me she was taking me to Germany to help in refuge (because of the immigration crisis and all). I was speechless. I don't mind helping people and I believe you should offer a helping hand because you never know when you are going to be on the other end. When we drove past the airport, my aunt started laughing and told me we are actually not leaving the county.

Disappointment was definitely staring to kick in, but I convinced myself that whatever I get it's going to be amazing.

And I was right.

My aunt took me to a sushi workshop. I believe I mentioned in the previous post which you can read here how much I adore sushi.

The workshop was absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. We were thought how to make sushi by Japanese woman who have lived in Slovenia for eleven years now. She walked us through every step and at the end I had more sushi than I was able to consume. Luckily my brother is as enthusiastic as me about sushi so during the weekend it gradually disappeared from the plate.

Looks delicious, doesn't it?